Dona Nobis Pacem
Peace cannot be bought, Nor can it be given.
Endless wars are fought Even in its name.
Angels, don't despair- Even though we've striven
Constantly to share Damnation with blame,
Excuse our cruel sport... Say we'll be forgiven.
Forsee better times - Trust our humanity,
Or at least let us climb Heavenwards, step by step
Reaching hands towards Extended Sanity.
Climbing still upwards Bare witness that we wept
Heavily for our crimes, Law condoned stupidly.
In the heartless deeds Each one of us performed,
Letting shallow creeds Steer acts to lassitude,
Does our lethargy Sentence us, unreformed,
Relieved of duty, In changing attitude?
Ease free this bindweed's Noose that has densely formed
Nesting violence with Gall in its strangling vine.
Intertwined captives Of garotte are potent
Notional visions Finding fissures to shine
Out through high prisms Of ideals and judgement,
Untouched by active Unfairness. Combine
Rainbows fashioned from Richest aspirations
To form a hope-storm, Lighting hearts and souls
In multi-coloured Offering to nations,
Modifying the Values, and raising goals.
Earth will transform Early estimations.
[Annelisa for Dona Nobis Pacem 6th June 2007]
On this day of Peace, I have something more to add. This is for a very special friend of mine:
My friend, Julia
You've been there with me nearly my whole life.
We made camps together; discovered clothes, make-up, and boys together; explored teenage life.
Parting for the years we studied, we kept in touch, even when other friendships were discarded along the path. Our bonds grew stronger each time we met - growing closer, not away.
In our similarities and differences, we discovered our fellowship was chosen. Maybe it has been fate's hand, because attachments this close don't come along so often.
I can sit in silence with you, or talk twenty to the dozen.
I can see you every day, or not for a year, and it's like we only just parted, our conversation continuing as though there were no break.
Even when apart, our lives have meandered distant, but parallel, events echoing across the miles.
You hear me when I need to talk, and talk when I need to listen.
We have laughed, danced and eaten together, and each time there is a bond that needs no words, yet is usually filled with them.
You 'get' me.
You understand my wry humour, and my constant teasing, and don't take offence when I am blunt. And as I am to you, you are to me.
You are kind, thoughtful, adventurous, caring and creative. You are a great and wonderful mother; a close friend with your husband; loving and considerate to your sisters and parents.
You are like the 'other half' of me. You are also the 'other half' of Steve. That makes you the one that is whole.
Julia, I pray for you to live a very long, long time. Who knows, with fate's strange twists, you may outlive me yet (but... if I go first, I'll be back to haunt you! :-) )
Just know, my friend, the distance of death will make no difference to the way I feel.
You have always been, and will always be, my very best friend!
Thank you for being there, and...

Labels: BlogBlast for Peace, Dona Nobis Pacem
HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Julia.
HaPpY BlOgBlAsT, Annelisa.
I am so lucky to have shared this day with you both, I am moved and touched (so the doctors say) to have this space...........
Happy Blogblast, Queenie!! Thank you for sharing the day with me also!
Hi Annelisa! A trophy for your write...the best so far for me!
Happy blogblast day for peace.
Best wishes and dreams fulfilled on this day your best friend, Julia, entered the earth. Wishing you have many more days to share together. Ciao!
Hi Annelisa!
I don’t know what to say. Just breathtaking... peaceful place... .
You are the Earth Angel, spreading Peace, Love and many Goodness to the World!
Happy Birthday to Julia!
Happy BlogBlast to you!
Hi Miss Annelisa! It is so nise to see you agane (but we stop by often) for this wonderful day. Purrs of peace to you and many wishes for a Happy Birthday to Miss Julia
Love Finny & Buddy always your the best my friend..missed you and I love your post..madd
deer annelisa,
thank u fer yer help ... an ...
all i am sayin iz giv peace a chance.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Happy Birthday Julia.
You must indeed be a great lady to have put up with this one for all those years.
Seriously though - lovely post Annelisa & the poem is very clever too. Perfect I say.
Peace to you Annelisa and a very Happy Birthday to Julia.
All your words are heartfelt Annelisa and what a wonderful tribute to your friend, Julia.
May you both live long in friendship and happines.
Peace be wif yous!
Aagh - just had a linky mishap (see the list).
Can you delete me? PLEASE?
!!! Julia's birthday?! Happy Birthday! =D It's my little brother's birthday too! Oh joy! =D What wonderful coincidences!
Oh, and a Happy Donna Nobis Pacem day! =) I am in the process of writing out my peace post. I have just came back from school after a long, tiring day. Phew!
I love your poem and the way the letters stand out to form another message. It is very ingenious!
You're right that children need peace and love from us because eventually, they are the ones who will run Earth. We shouldn't be setting a bad example for them as they might pick up the wrong things and thus, wrecking havoc on our wonderful world! =(
Lovely sentiments- your writing and photography are genius.
Peace to us all.
Happy Birthday to you, Julia- wishing you a peaceful day!
Just wonderful. your leter to your friend has made my day. Thank you
WOW! This is your best post ever! Everything fits perfectly..the neat poem with the line entrenched in Bold Blue, the photo and the finale, the ode to your best friend, Julia! (Happy B-Day to you, Julia)
Sad to say, I'm still not techy enough to figure all this out but so once again, I'm with you in spirit. Who knows, maybe World Peace may really happen some day?
I did it! I am you think you can bump me up to the front Lisa? hmm? How do I get to be in your top 3?
Just looked properly at the picture... Is that a plant? it really does look like a bird - or a sculpture of a bird at the very least.
You and your viewpoint.. amazing x
(was debating whether to comment again as really I should be cowering at badjokesandovenchips waiting for the peaceglobe-linking fiasco to blow over, but I've never been shy. Or capable of keeping my gob shut. So here the comment is!)
Beautiful writing! Peace to you too!
Wonderful posts and great peace globes!
Peace to you and yours.
Great globe! Peace to you and yours.
Angel ( Angel Mama )
Grant Us Peace - "All You Need Is Love"
Sitting On The Couch For Peace
The template was from Sanni... the design is mine...Thanks for coming by
What a wonderful post, the poem, photo and wishes to your friend are beautiful.
Such a wonderful, peaceful and powerful posting - Thank you, Annelisa! You´re the GREATEST =)
Sanni, Frank and Luis,
Jersey, the furry diva and
The Pimping Team
are wishing LOVE & PEACE to you and yours ♥
... and, of course, we´re all wishing a VERY Happy Birthday to Julia!
Have a BLAST!
May the warmth and spirit of this Peace Globe Day bring us all peace. You’re globe is beautiful.
From WTIT: the most peaceful Tape Radio Station ever…
Yup, unbelievable, but true - I´m up with a globe, too ;)
Seems to be there´s a little good heart beating deep inside my evil body... but *ssssssh* please don´t tell. It´s a well-kept secret.
Happy Birthday to Julia,
pax vobiscum!
Beautiful globes Annelisa. Friendships like yours are the foundations of Peace.
"It begins with me..."
Annelisa - I knew you'd been working on a poem for Peace Day.
It is stunning.
I am equally moved at the beautiful tribute to Julia, your best friend. Happy Birthday to her and may she know peace.
Love and hugs,
I came by from Mimi's. Happy Peace Globe Day.
Peace to you!
Thanks, Annelisa, for visiting my blogs. I got the globe photos back in place, in between your comments on my first two and your arrival at my Plum Crazy Red Hat Mamas blog ... lol. I also posted those globes at a joint blog, which you may reach later if you are going through all of them (see #302 ... and 303 and 304 because it didn't seem to "take" on Mimi's site).
I really like what you put here for our BlogBlast for Peace; thank you especially for your poetry and your birthday message of love for your friend Julia ~ Happy Belated Birthday, Julia!
Anyway, I have put you on my Bonnie's Books blog list because you seem to be a kindred soul, as your NaNoWriMo on the sidebar indicates. I am also a wordsmith and plan to "NaNoWriMo" (new verb) myself in November. So far I have published only nonfiction, so trying a novel ought to be fun. I'll keep in touch by checking your blog(s). I'm glad you dropped by mine.
Peace and love my sweet friend!
Happy BDay!
And Happy Blog for peace day ;)
Peace to all of you!
Thanks for stopping by - powerful poem and I love the peace globe. And the dove flower is an amazing shot!
What a beautiful tribute! Thanks for stopping by my blog. And wow, you have a gorgeous peace globe!
Peace and love to you and yours.
What a moving poem and tribute to Julia. Peace to both of you and happy birthday to her!
What a wonderful poem, and with a very clever little hidden message too. Your poem and picture are perfect for Peace Day. Your blog is lovely, I will be back!
Happy Birthday to your friend and peace to you all!
Whats with all of the latin lately, whats the deal?
I wish for peace but expect the worst.
Wasn't it wonderful! That linky list is amazing, isn't it? Thanks for visiting, and thank you for sharing such a lovely post!
I loved your Peace For Children In Our Time. Wonderful. You and Julia look like quite a pair. I'll bet the two of you have great stories to tell. Take care.
Oh my goodness - almost 400 Mr Linky's?!?! Thank you Annalisa for your beautiful words that flow...and that cool Peace Globe! Keep up your good work!
Beautiful place you have here my dear. I'll visit often. Thanks for stopping by to see me.
Peace my friend.
PEACE it's a beautiful thing!
Heavenly Voice
hmmm Annelisa, "Make Love not War"
just goes without saying on that PEACE cum birthday card
PS - Love the Dove of Peace
I was sure there was actually a bird sitting 'there' till I looked at the enlarged image
Thanks for going and visiting all of my blogs. I have to take a peaceful trip around the web myself.
happy peace day (yes, even on the 8th) to you, dear miss annelise--an' may efurry day you celebrate be one of peace.
an' happy purrthday to the lovely miss julia--may efurry purrthday bring you joy and health.
warm purrs and soft headbumpies from
nelson, edmund, nitro, an' xing lu
the missouri meowers
simply peace...gorgeous..
wishing you and yours peace also..thanks for stopping by!
Hi - got yer message!
I was going to do one of them peace posts... but I thought the time had expired. Ho-hum
Me repeating myself: everyone who knows me knows I am ALWAYS doing this whether it's making the same remark 3 times in a conversation or whatever.
You'll note in those little comments I leave I often mention the damn Random Blog Button - that is what i use to hop-hop the blogworld when I'm bored/depressed/ok i admit sometimes slightly drunk. Anything that's interesting looking I stop at ... However the stuff they choose to circulate is actually fairly restricted. That would explain why the same stuff catches my eye over and over
well I'm off to have the same dinner as yesterday
do have a pleasant weekend!!
that message is awesome. will have to read it again.
and oh yeah,
happy birthday ot julia as well :)
many happy returns of the day and wishing both of you many many years of love and warm friendship. that IS a treasure. :)
Will the 50 comments exist if not read?
Do you mean like if a tree falls down in a forest and no-one's around to see or hear it fall, did the event actually happen?
O dear! Too philosophical for me!
ps was i here last night? just kidding
Thank you so much for stopping by my globe and taking the time to read it. Your poem is so beautiful and your message to your friend goes straight to the heart. Peace to you and yours - LC
Annelisa, your photos here are so beautiful and nostalgic. I love it. :)
Greetings from the Philippines!
Thank you for your comments! They are appreciated :)
Your globe is very funky! Love it :)
Hope Julia had a wonderful birthday :)
Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all!
What a great friend ... you must be to have a friend as wonderful as Julia.
That shoot looks so much like a peace dove! It's amazing; wonderful photo.
Lovely, Annelisa.
Just lovely.
Happy Belated Peace Day. I havent' got around to visiting other people's peace globe yet.
Yours looks nice. I like the colorful borders.
Righty-ho, I've done it! My name's down. All's gleddered!
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