Words that flow...

Words and images - powerful elements of our everyday life. Most of the time we take them for granted, but sometimes something happens to make you aware of how important they are... and how thankful you are to have the opportunity to use or appreciate them. Here lies some of my words and pictures (which are untouched apart from cropping, unless I've said otherwise) - Please add your words to mine, and leave a comment. Thanks for visiting!

07 February 2007

It nearly made me cry...

I wonder if you had the lovely sunset I did tonight? I nearly cried, it was so beautiful...

I don't think I've done it credit to the sheer magnitude of the moment in these photos .

In fact, I don't think it's actually possible to do a sunset like this credit, when putting it into 2-d and taking out the senses of the gentle, cold breeze whispering the face; breath freezing in clouds from the mouth; birds singing with their hearts; and the ability to turn your head a full 360 degrees and get the whole picture, the whole scene....

Ok, I'm going to try... [all the other photos I took earlier will just have to bow to a superior show]:

(The sun goes down)

(The show begins... )

(zooming in...)


(closer still... this moment lasts for many moments....)

(Until it's finally over...)

(and when it's finished, heading home, it's like having gone to the theatre and watched an amazing play, or seen a moving film, and feeling what you've just experienced is something beyond words, and there's an anti-climax, an emptiness, where this moment had swollen out and filled you... for a moment...)

© Annelisa Christensen 10:31 pm

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At February 08, 2007 2:37 am, Blogger Mother of Invention said...

The 3rd last is so stunning! How lucky you are to be surrounded by such lovely scenery several times a day!
I'll have to dig out some sunsets and try to post them!

At February 08, 2007 3:35 am, Blogger Dan said...

Annelisa, these are gorgeous photos. The Tao was putting on a show, better than anything you can see in the movie or play.

Isn't it curious how we can compliment reality by comparing it to art? I do that myself. Standing on a mountain top during a hike, I look over the autumn forest, with all of its colors and say "It's like a painting".

But it's the other way around -- the painting can only hint at the reality I see before me.

Nice meeting you!

At February 08, 2007 7:10 am, Blogger Annelisa said...

Morning MOI - Today my mind is turned from the orange to white - we have an inch or so of snow covering everything, and I see a huge, dark cloud coming this way - a snow day perhaps? (that's the nickname my kids gave to days off with school cancelled due to snow...)

To be surrounded by such scenery - yes it's wonderful. Most of the time, though, it looks sombre... it's just those moments that stand out that make it more special.

I had actually been photographing some ice and reflections on a nearby pond, just before these pictures... so this was a totally unexpected bonus! Recently (and many a time) I considered trying to find a bigger house to move to, but when I do, there's such a nagging in my head, that I just don't want to lose my views - they're sometimes what make life bearable!

At February 08, 2007 7:54 am, Blogger Annelisa said...

Interesting Dan, I hadn't thought of that before...

But, it does sometimes seem we're having a huge personal show put on for us, and we don't even have to pay ... We can buy icecreams (but if we do, not only would we be considered mad, but the best of the show would already be over when we emerged from the shop (there's no interval...)

Thing is, this show would be on, whether we're there to see it or not (I think...)

You're right, though. Our shows and masterpiece paintings would still only ever be poor copies...

Last night's sunset had me in awe (it's not often you can truly say that...)

At February 08, 2007 11:29 am, Blogger TopChamp said...

Want to know something terrible? I CURSED this sunset the whole way home from work yesterday. We were cloudless and the sun was setting right ahead of us all the way from Edinburgh to Glasgow. This meant that motorists were driving at about 20 mph. Now I'd rather that we drove slowly as I have no death wish but it took about 2 hours to get the 60 miles home.

Now I feel bad. But the residual pain in my leg from clutch control is lessening my guilt somewhat.

They are beautiful pictures though. And I have to say that it was gorgeous from the motorway too. My Wednesday commute is beautiful....

At February 08, 2007 11:31 am, Blogger TopChamp said...

Ooh -just read your comments... I was gonna ask you about the snow!

At February 08, 2007 11:52 am, Blogger Annelisa said...

Oh dear - Funny how I was enjoying it, and you were in agony because of it...

It is a pain when the sun's directly in your eyes, isn't it! Mind you, I quite liked that drive between the cities when I was there... you talking about that journey's brought it back to me :-D

So, the sun wasn't a pain in the neck, but a pain in the leg, huh?

The snow's melting fast - very fast! It's trying to rain on top of it - but, still, got the day off work for it! Yahay!

At February 08, 2007 2:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ae......girlfriend.......if I could just steal for a brief moment, your ability to stop, seize the moment, soak it in, appreciate its beauty.........and then through your generousity, you share it with us.........I feel like a sock that has been turned inside out, the wrong way.........and all I can see is this inside of a sock.......

thank you for the beautiful sunset, and your wonder of it all...

(picking up a hankie on the way out)!!

At February 08, 2007 4:42 pm, Blogger Katie McKenna said...

I love sunsets ! We have glorious sunsets and sunrises in MT. In Texas we appear to get more blues. Although when we do have the sunsets one canna see them from where I live very well.

I love the beauty in you! Thank you for the gift!

At February 08, 2007 5:49 pm, Blogger Annelisa said...

So, what does the inside of the sock look like, Kitty? I suspect it's bobbly, faint light coming through pinprick holes, and maybe a seam running through... It'd make a good line for a poem, wouldn't it... "Looking out from in an inside-out sock"?? :-D

Sunset courtesy of Mother Nature.

At February 08, 2007 6:05 pm, Blogger Annelisa said...

You're very welcome,Katie, I'm glad I have someone to share them with!

I don't know what happened, but I was in the middle of writing back to you, and the whole browser closed! :-(

I think I'd like to see a Texas sunset - I've seen it in some movies, but... not the same, is it... Am I mistaken in imagining it a large expanse of flatness?

At February 08, 2007 10:45 pm, Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Amazing light show
Are these staged just for you?
Glad you have the camera at hand to share with us the moments.
Annelisa modern high resolution digital has made photographers of us all, but some people know what to point the camera at, and capture the magic light show in its full colours with crystal clear clarity

At February 09, 2007 8:45 am, Blogger that frolicsome kid said...

Wow, wow and wow! I have never seen quite a sunset before. I better open my eyes bigger! =P But yeah, it's really beautiful, I have not seen anything quite like it... =O

Thanks for sharing these wonderful sunset moments with us. I remember we had an evening drive along the long freeways of Taiwan to Taipei, and I was marveling the sunset and I can actually see the sun inching closer and closer to the horizon each minute. =) Somehow, I dozed off and when I opened my eyes 10 minutes later, the sun has set! =(

It was "fast" in the sense that it doesn't last long. =P But it's long enough to be appreciated by everyone. =D

At February 09, 2007 9:22 am, Blogger Annelisa said...

You didn't get this one, Q9? That's a shame - it was a good'un! Maybe it was just staged for me... so I could share it with you... :-)

And about the 'knowing what to point the camera at'... did you see my pictures of bits of wood? :-D

At February 09, 2007 9:30 am, Blogger Annelisa said...

Mmmmm, I know what you mean FK - If I run in to change a battery (just saying I've already gone through all the spares in my camera case, and have forgotten to put fresh ones in... :-) ) or collect my (borrowed) tripod, I've missed the best of it by the time I get back.

Many of the pictures I've taken have only been momentary... a minute or so later and it looks totally different. Some of the cloud ones, I take the picture, and go to take another, but there's nothing worth taking! So, yes, a blink of the eye... I think that's why I'm even more caught up in photography now than I was before... sometimes I haven't my camera with me (no, really? )... then I feel sooo frustrated I can't try to capture it and share it here!!

I tell myself to just enjoy the moment......but now I want to enjoy it and capture it!!

At February 12, 2007 3:27 am, Blogger Yazi said...

hi there,
these are some beautiful pictures

thanks for sucha beautiful blog!


At February 12, 2007 9:39 am, Blogger Annelisa said...

You're welcome, Yazi - I hope you come back and enjoy some more sometime! :-)

At February 17, 2007 1:30 am, Blogger Mystic Rose said...

Oh wow..that one pic is absolutely majestic!! glad you caught that!

At February 19, 2007 8:16 pm, Blogger Annelisa said...

There was lots and lots of pics, Mystic! Really - lots! Couldn't have taken enough, even if I'd taken a zillion.... and did I think to take a video? What a twerp... I didn't!! :-(


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